Tenant's Guide
Our application process
We’ll need your National Insurance number, date of birth and other details. We’ll also need each person to fill out their own application form and pay a check in fee in advance. You must guarantee that all the information you provide is correct, or we won’t be able to uphold your tenancy. To ensure high standards, we use screening checks along with references from employers and current landlords. We’re able to process most applications within three days and can normally arrange a moving-in date within ten days.
So what are our rental criteria?
Income: The total verifiable income of all the applicants has to be at least two and a half times the monthly rent.
Credit history: You must be able to demonstrate financial responsibility, so unpaid debts, patterns of late payments or County Court Judgements may count against your application.
Guarantors: Even if you do not meet the above criteria, you may be able to rent the property if you have a UK-based guarantor who can pass our application and screening process.
Identification: Each applicant, and any guarantor, will need to provide at least one item from each list below, dated from the last three months where relevant.
List A
Full national Passport
Full or Provisional National Driving License
Armed Forces ID card
Signed ID card of employer
Concessionary travel pass
National ID card
List B
Gas, electricity, water or landline bill
Council Tax demand
Contents insurance policy
Mortgage statement
Full or Provisional National Driving License